Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur

180° View of Kuala Lumpur (North view from the top of Twin Towers)
Olympus C2100UZ, F/2.8, 1/400~1/160 sec, 7 mm, ISO 100, 2 May 2005

Panoramic view of Seattle

270° view of Seattle (West and South East view)
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/15 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 16 March 2007

The taking place and view scope

180° view of Seattle (East view)
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/15 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 16 March 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

Crowne Plaza Guihe at night

Crowne Plaza Guihe Jinan (济南贵和皇冠假日酒店)
3 Tian Di Tan Street, Jinan, China
Ricoh GR Digital, F/2.4, 1/3 sec, 5.9 mm, ISO 64, Spot Mode, 20:15 19 June 2007
* Originally photographed by Xueyou WANG, and published under his permissions.
* Image has been cropped, reduced and modified.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Daming Lake at night

The Primary Gate of Daming Lake (大明湖)
271 Minghu Road, Jinan, China
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/10 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 20:35 28 March 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My favorite tea cafe

Shunshan Tea Cafe (舜山茶人)
27 Qianfoshan East Road, Jinan, China
Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/6~1/13 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 16:46 24 March 2007

Long Reef Golf Course

The beachfront Long Reef Golf Course
Collaroy, NSW, Australia
Canon IXUS 50, F/5.6, 1/200 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, CWA Mode, 15:40 20 May 2007

Pelicans at Long Reef Beach

Canon IXUS 50, F/5.6, 1/320 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 15:02 20 May 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/4.9, 1/500 sec, 17.4 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 15:02 20 May 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/10, 1/160 sec, 17.4 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 15:03 20 May 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/5.6, 1/320 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 15:03 20 May 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/5.6, 1/320 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 15:02 20 May 2007

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dalai Lama in Sydney

Canon IXUS 50, F/4.9, 1/40 sec, 17.4 mm, ISO 50, CWA Mode, 14:10, 15 June 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/60 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 14:33, 15 June 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/30 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 14:44, 15 June 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/400 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 100, Pattern Mode, 10:30, 16 June 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/2.8, 1/200 sec, 5.8 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 10:51, 16 June 2007

Canon IXUS 50, F/4.9, 1/80 sec, 17.4 mm, ISO 50, Pattern Mode, 11:37, 16 June 2007

The crowd listening to Dalai Lama's public address at the Domain in Sydney
10:34, 16 June 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back on the Internet

Many thanks to my snail ISP - Optus, the second largest telecommunications company in Australia, I finally got back on the Internet this morning after waiting (offline) nearly two months!

Here are the test results of my Optus DSL Direct connection, provided by OZ Bandwidth Speed Test.

Test 1 (DSL modem/router only)

Mirror: OptusNet
Data: 15 MB
Test Time: 26.91 secs

Your line speed is 4.66 Mbps (4658 kbps).
Your download speed is 582 KB/s (0.57 MB/s).

Test 2 (DSL modem/router + wireless AP/firewall)

Mirror: OptusNet
Data: 15 MB
Test Time: 34.33 secs

Your line speed is 3.65 Mbps (3651 kbps).
Your download speed is 456 KB/s (0.45 MB/s).

Test 3 (DSL modem/router only)

Mirror: OptusNet
Data: 70 KB
Test Time: 0.39 secs

Your line speed is 1.47 Mbps (1468 kbps).
Your download speed is 183 KB/s (0.18 MB/s).

Test 4 (DSL modem/router + wireless AP/firewall)

Mirror: OptusNet
Data: 70 KB
Test Time: 0.4 secs

Your line speed is 1.43 Mbps (1435 kbps).
Your download speed is 179 KB/s (0.18 MB/s).

It is about 2.5 km from my location to the exchange, so it is not that good as what Optus claims. Optus claims that its DSL Direct connection should be up to 20 Mbps for download and 820 kbps for upload.

Another popular broadband test tool is from Audit My PC. You can find out the true bandwidth by using this free tool. It’s easy as ever, simply click on the Connection Type button and your bandwidth will be tested with results appearing shortly after.